You're f*ckin' perfect to me

If you wait too long for the perfect moment,
the perfect moment will pass you by...
Human beings are funny. We long to be with the person we love but refuse to admit it openly. We (at least some of us) are afraid to show even the slightest sign of affection because of fear. Fear that our feelings may not be recognized, or even worse, not be returned.
Please, do never feel
Like you're less than perfect.
Please, do never feel like you're nothing
You're f*ckin' perfect to me!

Postat av: Johanna
Tackar man tackar för alla fina komplimanger, men vad har jag sagt om att svära? xD
Postat av: sara
Johanna sv; haha Johanna dom e ju verkligen till dig också ;) ♥♥♥ love you!
men just den e faktiskt en bit av en låt, fast jag har skrivit om den lite :P mohaha, jag brukar ju svära ibland, de e helt enkelt en sak som du får leva med ^^